

packageCreate an installer with Heex Kernel and your implementations.
uploadCreate an installer with Heex Kernel and your implementations, and release it onto your system(s). Several system ids can be provided if built agent needs to be uploaded on several systems at once. Note: Api-Key is mandatory.
installPackage and install Heex Kernel and your implementation onto your computer. Note: Api-Key is mandatory.
uninstallUninstall Heex Kernel from your computer. Both background-process and service are removed.


./heex agent SUBCOMMAND [--help]

How to release your own Heex Agent

To take advantage of the ease of deployment and over-the-air update capabilities, you need to release your Heex Agent to our Cloud.

Available options:

  • --system-id: with this option you can specify one or several system-id’s to which you would like to upload your packaged Agent. Please use the option for each id you want. (usage: --system-id ID1 --system-id ID2 …).
  • --config-path: alternatively to the option mentionned above, you can also provide the path to a specific systemConf.json. This will then include the systemConf inside the package and upload the Agent to given system. Note that this implies that you can only upload to one system at the time, and it cannot be combined with the --system-id option. (usage: --config-path path/to/systremConf.json).
  • --path-to-sdk: use this option if you run the Heex CLI from a location that is not inside a SDK folder, so that you can point to the root of the SDK folder. (usage: --path-to-sdk path/to/sdk/folder).


./heex agent upload --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --path-to-sdk /path/to/sdk/folder --config-path path/to/systremConf.json

How to install your own Heex Agent onto your computer

Heex Agent can be directly installed onto your local computer.

Available options:

  • --config-path: the path to a specific systemConf.json. This will then include the systemConf inside the installed Agent.
  • --path-to-sdk: use this option if you run the Heex CLI from a location that is not inside a SDK folder, so that you can point to the root of the SDK folder. (usage: --path-to-sdk path/to/sdk/folder).
  • --execution-mode: ‘background’ or ‘service’ (optinal, defaults to service).


./heex agent install --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --path-to-sdk /path/to/sdk/folder --config-path path/to/systremConf.json

How to uninstall your own Heex Agent onto your computer

Heex Agent can be uninstalled from your local computer with a simple command.


./heex agent uninstall

Getting Help

./heex agent --help
./heex agent package --help
./heex agent upload --help
./heex agent install --help
./heex agent uninstall --help