
  • Have a Heex CLI
  • Have a USER_SECRET_KEY. Should be accessible in your personnal space on the heex cloud platform.


getRetrieve event with a given ID.
listRetrieve info on generated events available on the cloud, can be filtered by specifying custom keys.


./heex events SUBCOMMAND [--help]

How to get list of event with details

This command allows you to retrieve events based on system, trigger IDs or by event ID. Note that all filters are optional, if no filters are provided, it will return all events found.

Available options:

  • --api-key: mandatory USER_SECRET_KEY.
  • --system-id: The ID of the system to retrieve the events from.
  • --trigger-id: The ID of the trigger to retrieve the events from.
  • --event-id: The ID of a specific event to retrieve. Multiple IDs can be specified, example : --event-id ID1 --event-id ID2.
  • --output-file: If set, it’ll provide the result in a json format in a file generated at given path. Make sure you provide the ‘.json’ extension.


./heex events list --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --system-id <SYSTEM_ID> --output-file allEventsForThisSystem.json

How to get a specific event

This command allows you to retrieve an event with a given ID. Note that the event ID is mandatory. You can save output in a json file by using the --output-file option. Here’s an example of usage:


./heex events get --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --event-id <EVENT_ID> --output-file EventDetailsID.json

Getting Help

./heex events --help
./heex events get --help
./heex events list --help