Welcome to the documentation for Heex CLI, a command-line tool designed to perform most operations on HeexSDK and interact with Heex’s Cloud.


  • Have a USER_SECRET_KEY. Should be accessible in your personnal space on the heex cloud platform.

Supported Platforms

Heex CLI has been tested on the following platforms.

Compatibility Matrix

The following table outlines the supported versions:

ArchitectureUbuntu 20.04 LTSUbuntu 22.04 LTSUbuntu 24.04 LTS

If your system is not yet supported, contact us and we will work with you to provide you an adequate cli.

Getting started

Get the Heex CLI

You can directly fetch the CLI using command line.

In your terminal, run the following (replace <USER_SECRET_KEY> by your personnal user secret key):

curl --fail -X GET "https://api.app.heex.io/v1/cli/download?operating_system=$(. /etc/os-release && echo ${ID}_${VERSION_ID}_$(uname -m))" \
   -H "secret_key: <USER_SECRET_KEY>" -o heex && chmod +x heex

If you already have the CLI installed, you can update it with the following command:

./heex update --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY>

Once you have your heex executable, you can get a list of all available CLI commands by calling:

./heex --help

Enable shell autocompletion for subcommands and parameters:

./heex completion

Please follow the instructions written at the end of the completion command to enable the autocompletion in your current terminal.


agentCommands related to the Heex Agent operations (i.e., upload an agent).
completionSets up autocompletion.
datasourceCommands related to Data Source management (i.e., add Data Source).
eventsCommands related to events management (i.e., get events).
implementationCommands related to implementation management (i.e., create new implementation).
quotasProvides a list of available quotas for a given organization.
recordingsCommands related to recordings management (i.e., download recordings).
sdkCommands related to SDK operations (i.e., build the SDK).
signalCommands related to signals management (i.e., create new signals).
systemCommands related to system management (i.e., create new system).
triggerCommands related to trigger management (i.e., create new trigger).
updateUpdates the CLI from the REST API with the latest version or with a given version.
workspaceCommands related to workspace management (i.e., get storage information about a given workspace).

Getting Help

You can obtain extra help on usage per command or subcommands by using --help:

./heex agent --help
./heex completion --help
./heex datasource --help
./heex events --help
./heex implementation --help
./heex quotas --help
./heex recordings --help
./heex sdk --help
./heex signal --help
./heex system --help
./heex trigger --help
./heex update --help
./heex workspace --help