
  • Have a Heex CLI
  • Have a USER_SECRET_KEY. Should be accessible in your personnal space on the heex cloud platform.


downloadDownload SDK package.
build-samplesBuild the SDK C++ samples.
generate-implementations-fileWill generate the implementations.json file based on all scripts you have in the implementations folder.


./heex sdk SUBCOMMAND [--help]

How to download the SDK


./heex sdk download --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY>

This command downloads the SDK that corresponds to the detected platform.

The downloaded archive file will be named Heex_SDK_<version>_<os_version>_<arch_type>.zip. For example for the SDK version 2024_11_1 and Ubuntu 22.04 x86, the archive name will be

The flags that are available to achieve this command are the following:

  • --api-key: mandatory USER_SECRET_KEY.
  • --version: The version of the SDK to download (e.g., ‘2024.2.0’), default is the latest version.
  • --output-dir: The output path folder where the SDK will be saved (Default is current directory).
  • --unzip: Unzip the downloaded SDK package.

When using the unzip option, the output folder name will be name Heex_SDK_<version>.

How to build the SDK C++ samples


./heex sdk build-samples

This command builds the SDK C++ samples. By default, all build operations use 1 job. For faster operations, you can specify the number of parallel jobs with —jobs flag. The generated executables are located in the folder samples/cpp.

The optional flags that are available to achieve this command are the following:

  • --path-to-sdk: If you don’t run from inside the SDK folder, you have to provide the /path/to/sdk/folder.
  • --jobs: Allow building with N jobs at once; default is 1 job.

MCAP samples:

By default, the MCAP samples are disabled and will not be built. To activate the MCAP samples build, edit the file samples/CMakeLists.txt and uncomment the MCAP lines. Additionnal dependencies are required and will be automatically downloaded during the build.

Generating the implementation.json file

If you intend to run our solution within the packaged SDK, you may want to automatically handle the running of your implementations. To do so, you’ll need to generate a implementations.json file which shall be generated using following command:

./heex sdk generate-implementations-file --path-to-sdk /path/to/sdk/folder

📝 Note:

Only implementations located inside the implementations folder are handled, any other script you have outside of this folder, you shall have to handle manually.

Getting Help

./heex sdk --help
./heex sdk download --help
./heex sdk build-samples --help
./heex sdk generate-implementations-file --help