
  • Have a Heex CLI
  • Have a USER_SECRET_KEY. Should be accessible in your personnal space on the heex cloud platform.


createCreate a new implementation on the cloud.
create-template-fileAdvanced usage: creates a template file for implementation creation configuration.


./heex implementation SUBCOMMAND [--help]

How to create a new implementation

2 different ways to create a new implementation on the cloud, both using the command create:

  • Create an implementation only by name and some optional description, using the 2 subcommands:
    • --name: Must be unique on your cloud workspace.
    • --description: Description for your implementation.


./heex implementation create --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --name "Jane's implementation" --description "Optional description"

This will create the new implementaion on the Heex Cloud. You can later access this created implementation via the cloud platform and modify it there (i.e add signals).

  • Another way to create an implementation is to use a configuration file that contains all the data you want to generate, if you want to use it:
    • You can generate a template file using the ./heex implementation create-template-file command, and then fill the given file as you need.
    • Once it is filled, use the create subcommand with the --input-file input pointing to the filled file.


./heex implementation create --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --input-file path/to/your/filledConfigFile.json

⚠️ Warning:

implementation name or description with special characters If your implementation name or description contains special characters (i.e ’ or space), please use double quotes before and after your names.

For example, for a implementation called Jane’s implementation, provide that as —name “Jane’s implementation”.

How to update an existing implementation

You can update an existing implementation using the update subcommand. This will command allows to add new signals to the existing implementation. Flags implementation-id and signal-id are mandatory. You can provide more than one signal to add to the implementation, check help for more information.


./heex implementation update --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --implementation-id <ID> --signal-id <SIGNAL_ID1> --signal-id <SIGNAL_ID2> --signal-id <SIGNAL_ID3>

How to get implementation details

You can get the details of a implementation if you provide an implementation-id, see example below:


./heex implementation get --implementation-id <IMPLEMENTATION_ID> --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --output-file <OUTPUT-FILE>

This can be useful when you want to get the details of an implementation that you have previously created or if you want to modify a implementation.

How to get implementation list

You can get list of all available implementations in a given workspace. Several filters are available to narrow down the results. The flags available to filter the results are:

  • --implementation-id ID of the involved implementation. Multiple can be given: e.g. --implementation-id ID1 --implementation-id ID2.
  • --signal-id Signal IDs to retrieve details for. Multiple can be given: signal-id ID1 signal-id ID1 .
  • --priority Priority of the implementation to retrieve details for. Check the help for available values.
  • --type Type of the implementation to retrieve details for. Check help for available values.
  • --name Name of the implementation to retrieve details for.
  • --output-file The result will be saved into this provided filepath. The output format is json, so please provide a filepath with that format:/path/to/file.json

The result can be saved in a json file by using the --output-file flag. If the provided path doesn’t exist, it will be created. See example below where several filters can be used at the same time:


./heex implementation list --signal-id <SIGNAL_ID1>  --signal-id <SIGNAL_ID2>  --implementation-id <IMPLEMENTATION_ID1>  --implementation-id <IMPLEMENTATION_ID2> --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --output-file <OUTPUT-FILE>

Getting Help

./heex implementation --help
./heex implementation create --help
./heex implementation create-template-file --help
./heex implementation update --help
./heex implementation get --help
./heex implementation list --help