
  • Have a Heex CLI
  • Have a USER_SECRET_KEY. Should be accessible in your personnal space on the heex cloud platform.


getRetrieve recording with a given ID.
listList all recordings available on the cloud, with filters …
downloadDownload all recordings available on the cloud, with filters …


./heex recordings SUBCOMMAND [--help]

How to get recordings

There are 2 possibilities to get recordings:

Download in a given folder or provide a list of recordings (list). This command allows you to retrieve recordings based on event IDs or recording IDs. Note that all filters are optional, if no filters are provided, it will return a list of all available recordings (json format) or it will download all available recordings.

The flags that are available to achieve these commands are the following:

  • --api-key: mandatory USER_SECRET_KEY.
  • --event-id: The ID of a specific event to retrieve the recordings from. Multiple can be given: --event-id ID1 --event-id ID2
  • --recording-id: The ID of the recording to retrieve. Overtakes all other filters. Multiple can be given: --recording-id ID1 --recording-id ID2
  • --max-number: The maximum number of recordings to retrieve. Defaults to 10.
  • --output-folder: (Only for download) If provided, all listed recordings shall be downloaded into the provided folder path. If not, a ‘recording’ folder shall be created next to the cli location.
  • --output-file: (Only for list) If provided, the resulting list will be saved into this provided filepath. The output format is json, so please provide a filepath with that format: /path/to/file.json.


./heex recordings download --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --event-id <EVENT_ID> --output-folder /path/to/recordings
./heex recordings list --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --event-id <EVENT_ID> --output-file allRecodingsForThisEvent.json

How to get a spcific recording

This command allows you to retrieve a recording with a given ID. Note that the recording ID is mandatory. You can save output in a json file by using the --output-file option. Here’s an example of usage:


./heex recording get --api-key <USER_SECRET_KEY> --recording-id <RECORDING_ID> --output-file RecordingDetailsID.json

Getting Help

./heex --help
./heex recordings get --help
./heex recordings list --help
./heex recordings download --help