


./heex completion [--help]

How set up autocompletion

Calling ./heex completion will generate a script that will enable the autocompletion on your heex script. We support bash, sh, zsh and fish shells.

Important note: An autocompletion script will be generated, saved, and it will be added into the shell configuration script (ie .bashrc), but for it to apply, you will have to restart your shell or source the generated script in your current shell terminal. This information is written in the logs of the command, simply follow the recommendations that are written in the output of the command.


./heex completion

-> Follow instructions in the command output: Autocompletion has been added to heex script. To apply it, please restart your terminal (using "bash") or run 'source /home/<yourUser>/.bash_completion.d/heex_autocomplete.bash'

Getting Help

./heex completion --help